Hurricane assistance

Hurricane Assistance Provided by Caring Recycling Company

Hurricane Ian caused a minimum of $41 billion in damages to the state of Florida. Some estimates predict that the total damage to the state will exceed $70 billion when the entire clean-up effort is said and done. On top of a much worse storm season than usual for this time of the year, there is a homeowners insurance crisis in the state that has left more than 160,000 homeowners without the coverage that they need to repair or replace their homes.

There are not enough contractors and other kinds of specialists to go around in many communities, and people who have been made homeless by the storm are without recourse in many areas to even begin the rebuilding process. Volusia County has been hit with $300 million in damages, which have been caused by flooding that took days to recede.

GEL Recycling is stepping up to help with the cleanup process and make it possible for homeowners to get back on their feet. By providing cleanup services that will help with access to hurricane-damaged areas and by taking care of debris that is blocking efforts to rebuild homes and get businesses open again, GEL is making it possible for communities to get back on their feet as soon as possible. By providing key cleanup services and support, GEL is making a difference after Hurricane Ian in a big way.

Home Damage Costs Skyrocket in Volusia County

Volusia county is one of the hardest hit areas in the entire state, and the cost of repairs and cleanup efforts in this county continues to mount each day exponentially. Single-family homes have been hardest hit in this county, mostly because this is a community that is built around suburban neighborhoods. Volusia County residents are eligible for support from FEMA for flood damage, but not every homeowner in this county has flood insurance to protect them from these kinds of losses.

Aging flood mapping and the severity of Hurricane Ian have led to an uninsured homeowner’s crisis in this region that is unprecedented. Flood insurance is expensive in Florida, and homeowners who were told to get it, have sometimes opted not to carry the coverage. FEMA staff are traveling throughout the region trying to provide homeowners with support and to gather applications for flood insurance as needed.

Hurricane assistance and recovery

Combining the cost of flood insurance with poorly-drawn maps in the region and the home insurance crisis rocking Florida, this year’s storm season is off to a very difficult start for people living all over the state of Florida. Ian has caused damages that will take months to recover from, and there will be other storms this season to contend with before the clean-up effort can be truly taken care of. This spells disaster that will not come to a close with this one storm, and many Floridians are very concerned about the future.

With little support available from insurance and slow response times for emergency support making it difficult to seek resolution for the loss of homes, property damage, and other immediate needs, Floridians are facing one of the toughest challenges they have yet to face. Without quality support from teams of skilled recovery workers and without the benefit of insurance claim dollars behind them, many Floridians are facing homelessness and financial losses that are so significant that they are hard to calculate.

Hurricane recovery

GEL Recycling Aids Volusia County

GEL Recycling has been awarded a three-year contract to help grind all the wood debris in Volusia County, which has been created by fallen trees and other wooden debris that was created by the storm surge and high winds. GEL is very familiar with this kind of service, as the company already offers clean-up support for homeowners in various counties in the state of Florida. Wooden debris is some of the most difficult waste products to remove from storm-damaged areas, but GEL already has this project well in hand, and efforts to clean up this kind of waste all over Florida are being supported by skilled teams of GEL staff.

GEL takes aid to the community very seriously and is the perfect choice for this community which has been battered by the storm. Getting people back into their homes and allowing emergency vehicles access to areas that were blocked by storm debris is critical to the GEL Recycling contract. From cleanup on city streets to removal of wood debris along the beachfront, GEL is able to handle all of the wood removals needs that Volusia County might have.

Hurricane disaster

GEL offers push hauling, grapple services, and safe and reliable disposal services in the Volusia County area already, so this cleanup effort was simple for them to scale as soon as the contract for the job was offered. Being able to improve the lives of the people who have been hit the hardest by the storm was at the forefront of GEL’s concerns. Being able to provide the support that few other companies can offer has been a matter of pride for GEL’s teams, who have already begun work on the problem of the cleanup in this county.

GEL Takes Care of Floridians

GEL Recycling takes pride in putting its customers first. From quality waste removal services to clean-up support and waste removal, GEL offers a full range of options for those who are looking to get the ball rolling on their post-storm rebuilding project. While assisting with the removal of wood-based debris all over Volusia County, GEL has also been helping people to get back on their feet and back into their homes. Reaching out to GEL Recycling will give you access to the best cleanup and waste removal support around, and the help of the GEL team can mean the difference between getting back into your home sooner rather than later.

Hurricane damage recovery

As the cleanup efforts all over the state of Florida ramp up, GEL is proud to be among the most effective and available service providers aiding in this effort.

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